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New Improvements to Our Manager Log Book

The 'BarSights' Manager Log Book has recently been updated to better serve managers and restaurant owners. Restaurant owners now have greater freedom to customize their logbook to fit their specific needs, and managers have been given new tools to improve communication.

Basic Design Improvements

Additional features such as drag and drop, containers and predefined elements, allows your management team to design the ultimate communication tool.

Automatic Emailed Reports

It's possible to have your restaurant's log book entries sent now or at a later time, which can be combined into an easy-to-understand report for the management team so they are kept up to date on the daily activities of your business. Useful for reporting sales figures, maintenance requests, and other key data, allowing all restaurant managers to keep track of business trends and make plans accordingly.

Advanced Data Entry Calculations

Managers may add features to specific cells in the online manager logbook to calculate totals of rows and columns automatically, as they typically may have done with Excel spreadsheets (but without any special coding needed!). Each cell can be assigned to add up the total in the row or column, subtract from the total, or exclude the number altogether. These functions save time in data entry situations where repetitive data entry is required, such as daily sales totals.

BarSight continues to develop the program to be adaptable and customizable, so owners of restaurants may customize it to their needs.


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